Artistic practice is a mode of expression and a means to addressing the most important issues and concerns of our times. The BFA program at Srishti Manipal nurtures the creative force and artistic curiosity that resides in every individual. It helps in discovering one’s unique artistic self-expression, individual voice and position, to create works that are creative as well as critical. The BFA courses draw from the broad knowledge bases of the visual and performing arts, humanities and design and offer a deep immersion in socio-cultural, political, environmental and other contemporary contexts. They offer a space to learn, experiment and acquire fluency in a chosen medium through combining intuition and the self with craft and practice.
The courses offered in this program are, Contemporary Art Practice, Digital Media Arts, and Film, all of which are situated in a larger inter-disciplinary environment, allowing the student to navigate between disciplines through a choice-based-navigation system. The courses nurture a dexterity in the student to embrace the new with a keen eye on the threads of the past and multiple influencing factors. Contemporary Art Practice offers a medium-agnostic approach to art, preparing the student to ask relevant questions in a highly complex contemporary society, with rapid changes in technology and culture. Digital Media Arts prepares a student to communicate through animation, situated in a range of digitally manipulated moving image techniques and possibilities. Film address the fundamental tenets of artistic cinematic language within the ubiquity of forms, screens and platforms available today.

Courses Offered in the Academic year 2024-25